m4RH Basic messages

From: FHI 360

m4RH Basic messages

Through its Mobile for Reproductive Health (m4RH) project, FHI 360 developed a set of text messages on family planning methods that users in Kenya and Tanzania can access via their mobile phones. This low-cost approach to reaching contraceptive users was part of a research study aimed at determining the feasibility of providing family planning information via text message. The m4RH messages were developed using evidence-based content, including the World Health Organization family planning handbook for providers, and were crafted specifically for short message service (SMS), or text message, use. “m4RH basic” provides essential information about each method in approximately 2-3 texts per method (slightly longer in Kiswahili), including method effectiveness, duration of use, ability to return to fertility.  

If you are interested in adapting this content—either by translating it into another language or by modifying the content itself—we are happy to provide a simple license for adaptation. Please email m4RH@fhi360.org.

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Attribution: FHI 360, m4RH

Resource uploaded by Trinity Zan (Dec. 1, 2016, 4:19 p.m.) and last updated by Trinity Zan (March 27, 2017, 7:24 a.m.)

Resource viewed 452 times