Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Learning Resource Package
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from Jhpiego
Publish Date: May 2017Author: MCSP The purpose of this learning resource package is to provide trainers, facilitators and program staff with a comprehensive resource for high-quality long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) services using a modular, facility-based approach for training, capacity building and mentorship. ...

Health Management, Ethics and Research
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
The Health Management, Ethics and Research Module brings together three important aspects of your work that underpin the practical activities described in the other Modules of the programme. There are 16 study sessions in this Module covering health management, healthcare ethics and ...

Improving the health of women, children and adolescents: from evidence to action
Course from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
A series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's 'Improving the health of women, children and adolescents' course. The material was originally delivered as a free online course in February 2016 on the FutureLearn platform. Additional information about the course and ...

Preventing the Zika virus: Understanding and controlling the Aedes mosquito
Course from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
A series of downloadable resources and learning activities from the School's 'Preventing the Zika virus' course. The material was originally delivered as a free online course in July 2016 on the FutureLearn platform. Additional information about the course and its contributors can be ...

Certificate in Leadership and Management Practice
Course from Intrahealth International, Johnson & Johnson, mPowering Frontline Health Workers, University of Zambia
The 'Primary Health Care to Communities' (PHC2C) blended learning training, Certificate of Leadership and Management Practice (CLMP) enables facility heads to lead frontline teams to deliver integrated, people-centered care and advance toward universal health coverage. The PHC2C CLMP was first ...

Urban Water Supply
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
This Module focuses on water service delivery in urban settings, including water supply from large utility companies, access points within a town, tariff setting, cost recovery, regulation and management. It considers the challenges for WASH provision in areas of high-density ...

Urban WASH: Working with People
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
New WASH services are far more likely to be effective and sustainable if the people using the services are able to participate in, or at least be aware of, their planning, design and management. This Module is designed to provide ...

Urban Sanitation and Solid Waste Management
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
Improved sanitation has proven benefits for human health, quality of life and poverty reduction. It is important for WASH practitioners to understand the drivers and barriers to sanitation in any given context to best serve communities and users. This Module ...

WASH: Context and Environment
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
Appreciation of the context for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is necessary if those services are to be effective and long lasting. This Module provides essential background to WASH by explaining broader topical issues such as sustainability, resilience, population ...

Hygiene and Environmental Health
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
This course provides first the theoretical basis, and then the practices on good hygiene and pro-environmental behaviour that are applicable at village level.

Pneumonia Education - South Asian English - Health Worker Kit
Audio, Course, Job Aid, Other training resource, Video from Abt Associates, Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, UNICEF, USAID
This kit is a part of the Every Breath Counts communications campaign developed by he UN Diarrhea and Pneumonia Working Group, and led by the Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, USAID, UNICEF, and Abt Associates. The kit includes ...

Pneumonia Education - African English - Health Worker Kit
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource, Video from Abt Associates, Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, UNICEF, USAID
This kit is a part of the Every Breath Counts communications campaign developed by he UN Diarrhea and Pneumonia Working Group, and led by the Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, USAID, UNICEF, and Abt Associates. The kit includes ...

Pneumonia Education - African Muslim French - Health Worker Training (without amoxicillin)
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from Abt Associates, Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, UNICEF, USAID
This [MATERIAL TYPE] is a part of the Every Breath Counts communications campaign developed by he UN Diarrhea and Pneumonia Working Group, and led by the Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, USAID, UNICEF, and Abt Associates. You should ...

Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition, 1st Edition (Spanish)
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) for Health and Nutrition is globally recognised as one of the most comprehensive curricula for training community health workers in maternal and child health. It is currently being deployed in 23 countries in ...

Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition, 1st Edition (French)
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) for Health and Nutrition is globally recognised as one of the most comprehensive curricula for training community health workers in maternal and child health. It is currently being deployed in 23 countries in ...

Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition, 2nd edition: A Comprehensive Training Course for Community Health Workers
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) for Health and Nutrition is globally recognised as one of the most comprehensive curricula for training community health workers in maternal and child health. It is currently being deployed in 23 countries in ...

Bangladesh Toolkit
Course from Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
3 eLearning courses for Family Planning, MNCH and Nutrition

Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (Update)
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
Half of the world’s population is younger than 25 years old and 9 out of 10 young people live in developing countries. These young people face profound challenges, such as high rates of early marriage, unintended pregnancy, HIV and other ...

Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
This course describes the contribution of postpartum hemorrhage to maternal mortality around the world and discusses the causes of PPH. Focus on strategies to prevent PPH with special attention on active management of third stage of labor. Course content was ...

Postpartum Care
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
This course orients learners to the postpartum period and recommended care while recognizing realities in the field. An estimated 70% of women in developing countries do not receive postpartum care. This course discusses strategies to prevent postpartum mortality and morbidity ...