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Helping Mothers Survive: Bleeding after Birth Complete (HMS BABC)
Job Aid from Jhpiego
Bleeding after Birth Complete (BABC) is a two-day learning module designed to reduce maternal deaths caused by post-partum hemorrhage. The module builds capacity of the entire team of providers who give care for women and newborns at birth. With BABC, skills ...

Therapeutic Early Stimulation Toolkit
Other training resource from Jhpiego
The overall goal of this training resource is to provide structured and effective training for community health workers, early intervention therapists, midwives, clinical officers, and other service providers who will be implementing the Therapeutic Early Stimulation (TES) Package as well ...

The Story of Cholera
Video from Global Health Media Project
This animation - produced in collaboration with Yoni Goodman - covers cholera transmission, prevention, signs, and care in a simple and accessible way.

Timed and Targeted Counseling for prevention of Zika, dengue and chikungunya at the household level
Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
The Timed and Targeted Counselling approach (TTC), is an approach World Vision implements in collaboration with national and district health authorities, conducted by community health volunteers including Mother Guides, CHWs and community agents. TTC promotes behaviour change at the individual and ...

Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition, 1st Edition (Spanish)
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) for Health and Nutrition is globally recognised as one of the most comprehensive curricula for training community health workers in maternal and child health. It is currently being deployed in 23 countries in ...

Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition, 1st Edition (French)
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) for Health and Nutrition is globally recognised as one of the most comprehensive curricula for training community health workers in maternal and child health. It is currently being deployed in 23 countries in ...

Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition, 2nd edition: A Comprehensive Training Course for Community Health Workers
Course, Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) for Health and Nutrition is globally recognised as one of the most comprehensive curricula for training community health workers in maternal and child health. It is currently being deployed in 23 countries in ...