Digital Green
Digital Green is a not-for-profit international development organization that uses an innovative digital platform for community engagement to improve lives of rural communities across South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Community Video: Men support handwashing in Maradi
Video from Digital Green, SPRING
Sahoura asks her neighbor, Mariama, why her children are less healthy than Mariama’s, even though Sahoura practices the 1000 days behaviors. Mariama explains that it is important for everyone to wash their hands with soap at critical times during the ...

How to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients (Korku)
Video from Digital Green
This video describes how to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients and techniques such as cut green leafy vegetable and mix into the flour. The chapati become more nutritious, add groundnut and gram flour into the vegetables in small ...

How to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients (Neemadi)
Video from Digital Green
This video describes how to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients and techniques such as cut green leafy vegetable and mix into the flour. The chapati become more nutritious, add ground nut and gram flour in to the vegetables ...

Hand Washing
Video from Digital Green
This video covers the importance of handwashing before and after preparing and eating meals, usage of toilets, after cleaning, and after working in the fields. Through proper handwashing, a person can avoid various health problems like jaundice.

Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre-Services
Video from Digital Green
This video describing about Nutrition rehabilitation centers (NRC) services. NRC is facility based care center for the management of severely malnourished children. In one NRC there is One Doctor, One female feeding demonstrator, one cook, 2 caretaker provide their services. ...

Severe Acute Malnutrition
Video from Digital Green
The video is describing about identification of severe acute Malnutrition, refer to Aanganwadi center for growth monitoring and status in growth, counseling on supplementary nutrition,nutrition & health education.

Moderate Acute Malnutrition
Video from Digital Green
The video is describing about identification of moderate acute malnutrition, refer to anganwadi center for growth monitoring and status in growth, counseling on supplementary nutrition,nutrition & health education.

Our Home-Our Children
Video from Digital Green
This video describes core messages regarding personal hygiene for children including hand washing practices, proper bathing, and hair, teeth, nails and mouth cleanliness. Video demonstrates proper handwashing with soap before preparing food, eating, serving meals and after defecation. The video ...

Sanitation and Hand-washing
Video from Digital Green
The video demonstrates how to effectively wash hands. This video also sheds light on how to maintain toilets at home to prevent effects of open defections that can lead to dangerous diseases like diarrhea, jaundice and polio.

Hygiene and Cleanliness
Video from Digital Green
The video is describing core messages regarding Personal Hygiene included, proper bath, hair, teeth, nails and mouth cleanliness. The video will also throw light on safe drinking water and its storage practices.

Video from Digital Green
As a family planning method, Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)-Copper T is a long-lasting, effective and reversible birth spacing method for women. This video demonstrates that IUCDs are quite safe for lactating mothers and describes some of the side effects that ...

No Scalpel Vasectomy
Video from Digital Green
The video developed on No Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) details the process of this permanent family planning method for men. It further elaborates that it is a simple procedure that does not require any stitches and allows the man to return ...

IUCD Copper T
Video from Digital Green
As a family planning method, Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)-Copper T is a long-lasting, effective and reversible birth spacing method for women. This video demonstrates that IUCDs are quite safe for lactating mothers and describes some of the side effects that ...

Family planning -Temporary methods
Video from Digital Green
Family planning involves the use of all techniques, practices, and medical devices that help a couple to plan their family including deciding the number of children they want to have and spacing their births as covered in this video. Some ...

Temporary Methods of Family Planning
Video from Digital Green
Family planning involves the use of all techniques, practices, and medical devices that help a couple to plan their family including deciding the number of children they want to have and spacing their births as covered in this video. Some ...

Family Planning - Permanent Methods
Video from Digital Green
Permanent methods of family planning are helpful in limiting the family size. This video explains that there are two types of permanent family planning: female sterilization and male sterilization. Both are long-term, safe and effective. The video further illustrates that ...

Permanent Methods of Family Planning
Video from Digital Green
Permanent methods of family planning are helpful in limiting the family size. This video explains that there are two types of permanent family planning: female sterilization and male sterilization. Both are long-term, safe and effective. The video further illustrates that ...

LAM - Lactational Amenorrhea Method
Video from Digital Green
This video demonstrates the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) as a method of family planning that women can use in the first six months after giving birth. LAM is based on the natural infertility resulting from hormones released as a result ...

LAM-Lactational Amenorrhea Method
Video from Digital Green
This video demonstrates the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) as a method of family planning that women can use in the first six months after giving birth. LAM is based on the natural infertility resulting from hormones released as a result ...

How to Prevent Diarrhea
Video from Digital Green
This video describes diarrhea, causes of diarrhea, symptoms and how to protect our child from diarrhea. This video provides information on preparation and use of Oral rehydration solution and Zinc Tablet during diarrhea and its importance.