Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre-Services

From: Digital Green

Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre-Services

This video describing about Nutrition rehabilitation centers (NRC) services. NRC is facility based care center for the management of severely malnourished children. In one NRC there is One Doctor, One female feeding demonstrator, one cook, 2 caretaker provide their services. This center provides specific medical care and therapeutic food for children with SAM (Severe Acute Malnourished) and also provide support to mothers of SAM children on complete care and feeding. Feeding demonstrator teach mothers about preparations of nutrition's diet from locally availed food stuff.

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Resource uploaded by Digital Green API User (May 21, 2015, 10:25 p.m.) and last updated by Digital Green API User (March 27, 2017, 7:24 a.m.)

Resource viewed 551 times